Photo by Karolina Grabowska
Wherever there is complete confidence of hope, there is faith. Faith is the full assurance of hope. Hope emanates from having a purpose that you long for or desire. God gives humanity the sense to live righteously through His vision and hopes to be accepted by Him when judgment day comes. Prayer is founded on faith; one must have hope in God's promises to find faith. When you hope for something, you pray that God hears your struggles and blessings. This article will expound on theological definition, biblical foundation, and practical application of hope and prayer. Theological Definition And The Biblical Hope Bible study tools define hope as trust in, waiting for, looking for, or desiring someone or something; or to expect something beneficial in the future. You can say hope is the starting point on the map; you look forward to your future endeavors. Ordinarily, when one expresses hope, he is expressing doubt. But this is not the specific biblical meaning of hope. The Scripture states that Biblical hope is not just a desire for something good in the future, but rather, biblical hope is a passion and confident expectation for something good in the future. Biblical hope not only wishes something extraordinary for the future; it awaits to happen. And it not only awaits for it to happen; it is confident that it will happen. The moral certainty is that the good you expect and desire will be done. However, hoping in God does not come naturally for sinners like you. You must preach it to yourself and preach diligently and forcefully, or you will give way to a downcast and disquieted spirit. Scriptural Evidence The Scriptural evidence begins in Hebrews 6:9–12. Apostle Paul warns his readers that it is possible for people who have had miraculous religious experiences to apostasy and go beyond the point of no return. He then says, "Though we speak thus, in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things that belong to salvation. This is because God is not so unjust as to overlook your work and the love you showered for His sake in serving the saints, as you still do. And they desire each one of you to show the same earnestness in realizing the full confidence of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through patience and faith inherit the promises." Now comes the warning in verses 11 and 12 to not become sluggish and press on. But now, the battle is characterized in terms of hope, not just in terms of service and love. Having all the zeal of the past, one must pursue the full assurance of hope to the end. There is no fight, quest, challenge, or war more urgent than this. Keep your hope hot! Similarly, Lisare's book talks about Strengthening hope and faith in The Other Side Of Fear, from having low self-esteem, abuse, and crippling fear to knowing the ultimate love of God. Author W. Veronica Lisare has discovered courage, joy, hope, freedom, and fulfillment as she embraces her original identity as a daughter of Jesus Christ. The Connection Between Faith And Hope Is there a relationship between full assurance of faith and complete confidence of hope? Faith is the more significant idea, and hope is essential to Biblical faith. Hope is that part of faith that centers on the future. Biblically, you can call it hope when faith is directed to the end. But faith can concentrate on the past and the present, so faith is the more extensive term. You can check this in Hebrews 11:1. This is the closest thing you have to a definition of faith in all of the New Testament. Faith is the confidence of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Meaning wherever there is full assurance of hope, there is faith. Faith is the full assurance of hope. Biblical faith is a confident desire and expectation for amazing things in the future. However, faith is more than that. It is also the belief of things not seen, and some of these are not the future. Faith can look backward (to creation) as well as forward. So faith is the more significant idea. It covers hope but is more than hope. You can also say faith is one's confidence in God's Word. Thus, you can call their confidence in its hope whenever that word references the future. Hope is faith in the future tense. Concluding Words Placing hope in God, you pray that He hears and answers your prayers. In hope people find their faith, prayer strengthens your faith in God, and through prayer, you place your life in God's hands, for He will show you the future.
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Photo by KoolShooters Somewhere in human minds, removed from the day-to-day, there sits a judge. The judge's verdict is more or less loving, more or less enthusiastic, but not according to any objective rule book or statute. Whatever the verdict, always remind yourself that there is always room for improvement and progression. Your Inner Voice The judge watches what you do, studies how you perform, examines your effect on others, and tracks your successes and failures. Eventually, they pass a verdict. So consequential is this judgment; it colors your entire sense of yourselves. It determines your levels of confidence and self-compassion; it lends you a sense of whether you are worthwhile beings or, conversely, should not exist. The judge is in charge of what people call your self-esteem. The foundation of the voice of the inner judge is simple to trace: it is an internalization of the voice of people who were once outside humans. You absorb the tones of contempt and indifference or charity and warmth you will have heard in your formative years. People's heads are cavernous spaces; pretty much all have voices echoing within them. Sometimes, a cheerful and benign voice encourages you to run those final few yards: "you are almost there, keep running, keep going!" But more so, the inner voice is not very nice at all. It is punitive and defeatist, panic-ridden and humiliating. It does not represent anything like your best insights or most mature capacities. You find yourselves saying: "You disgust me; things always go to shit with someone like you." People take in these voices because they sounded so compelling and irresistible at certain critical moments in the past. The authority figures repeated their messages until they got lodged in your way of thinking – for better and worse. Why Does The Inner Voice Matter? Humanity's level of self-love is very consequential across one's life. It can be enticing to suppose that being difficult on yourselves, though painful, is, in the end, quite helpful. Self-sacrifice can feel like a survival strategy that steers you clear of the many dangers of complacency and indulgence. Relatively, there are equal, if not more significant, dangers in an ongoing lack of sympathy for your plight. Despair, depression, and suicide are not incredibly minor risks. Afflicted by a lack of self-love, romantic relationships become almost impossible. Why? Because the central requirement of a capacity to accept the love of another turns out to be a confident degree of affection for yourselves, built up over the years, mainly in childhood. People need a legacy of feeling that they, in some essential way, deserve love in order not to respond obtusely to affection granted to them by prospective adult partners. Without an ample amount of self-love, the kindness of another will mostly strike them as misguided or fake. And even as strangely insulting, for it suggests that they have not even begun to understand them, so different are their relative assessments of what they happen to deserve. People end up self-destructively – though unconsciously – disappointing the intolerable, unfamiliar love offered to them by someone who has no clue who they are. Wendy Veronica Lisare's book about a journey through Inner-healing is her personal experience of moving from low self-esteem, fear, and abuse to knowing the undying love of God. Lisare has discovered hope, joy, courage, freedom, and fulfillment as she embraces her authentic identity as a child of God. She shares the personal details of her journals from a sad childhood, a divorce from a loveless marriage, a battle with cancer, and the loss of a grandchild, to gaining a nursing job and at the same time being a minister of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Her testimony and the spiritual tools she learned from her life's journey will inspire all her readers to make that move of befriending themselves through every challenge they face. This should be coupled with the understanding that God loves you and knowing that there is another side to fear. Changing The Inner Voice Part of improving how you judge yourselves involves learning – in a conscious, deliberate way – to speak to yourselves in a new and different way – which means exposing yourselves to better voices. Humanity must hear constructive, kind voices often enough and around tricky enough issues that they come to feel like normal and natural responses – so that, eventually, they become their thoughts. One approach is to identify a pleasant voice you previously knew and give it more scope. Perhaps there was a kindly grandmother or aunt who was quick to see your side of things and would offer you deft words of encouragement. The other primary strategy for changing the voices in your head is to try to become an imaginary friend yourselves. Initially, this sounds odd because you naturally imagine a friend as someone else – not as a part of your mind. But there is value in the notion because the extent you know how to treat your friends with sympathy and imagination does not apply to yourselves. Photo by Pixabay
Fear is a natural thing. It is indeed what keeps everyone secure and safe. Fear is not a logical thought—instead, an irrational emotion. Being frightened is an experience you can not buy. Humans are a society that adores fear. People thrive off of it; creating horror movies, shows like "Fear Factor," and the media are only a few examples. Similarly, some people are afraid to leave their houses and are possibly restricted to a single room. So what is fear? What is the purpose of being scared? Why will some people scream and run when they see a snake while others breed and collect them for their love of these majestic reptiles? Fear is a feeling humans have all dealt with at one time or another. It is something you first experience as children and are conditioned to respond to in many different ways. A controversial experiment in fear can also refer to general anxiety, as in Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) or Claustrophobia (fear of being closed in areas). These fears occur not automatically from a looming or present danger but from a perceived threat, which can be just as scary to some. A German proverb even says that fear makes the wolf bigger than he is. For most people, fear is a sickening and horrible feeling, which can sometimes be debilitating. 5 Things You Never Knew About Fear Fear is a person's survival response. Some people — horror movie buffs and roller-coaster fans — thrive on it, while others avoid it. Have you ever wondered why? Read on and know the five (5) things about fear. 1. Fear Can Make One Foggy. Some parts of your brain are firing up; others are shutting down. The cerebral cortex (the area of the brain that harnesses judgment and reasoning) becomes impaired when the amygdala senses fear. So now it is not easy to think clearly or make good decisions. As a result, you might throw your hands up and scream when approached by an actor in a ghost house, unable to rationalize that the threat is inaccurate. 2. Fear Is Physical. Fear is experienced in your mind as it triggers a strong physical reaction in your body. Your amygdala (this is the small organ in the middle of your brain) goes to work as soon as you recognize fear. It alerts your nervous system, setting your body's fear response into motion. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released—your blood pressure and heart rate increase. You start breathing faster. Even your blood flow changes — blood flows away from your heart and into your limbs, making it easier for you to start running for your life, throwing punches, or running for your life. Your body is preparing for fight-or-flight. 3. Fear Can Become A Pleasure. But why do people who love haunted houses, roller-coasters, and horror movies enjoy getting caught up in those scary, stressful moments? Because the thrill does not necessarily end when the film or ride ends. Through the excitation transfer process, your brain and body remain aroused even after your scary experience is over. 4. Fear Keeps You Safe. Fear is a biological and natural condition that all experience. It would help if you experienced fear because it keeps you safe. 5. Fear Is Not Phobia. If you are slightly uneasy about swimming in the ocean after watching "Jaws," the movie did what it set out to do. But if you find yourself traumatized, terrorized, and unable to function at the mere thought of being on the beach, you might be experiencing more than just fear. The difference between phobia and fear is simple. Fears are common reactions to objects or events. But fear becomes a phobia when it interferes with your ability to function and maintain a consistent quality of life. You may have a phobia if you start taking extreme measures to avoid water, spiders, or people. Realization Fear is a complicated human emotion that can be healthy and positive but has negative consequences. It can make or break a person. As Wendy Veronica Lisare wrote, the Kingdom Keys in The Other Side Of Fear Book are courage, joy, hope, freedom, fulfillment, and knowing that she is a daughter of God. In her book, Veronica shared her story of moving from her crippling fear, abuse, and low self-esteem to knowing the limitless love of God. Here, Veronica shares the intimate details of her life's journals, from having an unhappy childhood, a loveless marriage, a divorce, a battle with cancer, and a loss of a granddaughter to having a nursing job and a career as a minister of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The testimony of Veronica and the spiritual tools she learned along her life's journey will inspire all readers to move through their challenges to God's perfect love and the other side of fear. On the other hand, if fear or phobia affects your life in harmful and inconvenient ways, talk to your doctor, who can aid you in determining the kind of treatment you might need. |