There is no single emotion that drives our world today, but there is one that tends to be most impactful and it is fear. Fear is probably the most prevalent emotion on this planet and most of our decision making is driven by it. But this is a truth that we often overlook. Fear is something that has affected all of us at some point in life, and for many it continues to have a hand in their lives. To W. Veronica Lisare, fear once played a role in her life but as soon as she found God, she learned to let it go and face the other side of fear. Veronica's book on Finding your true value and identity, The Other Side of Fear, unveils the reality of fear, and how it can take over your life, not just mentally but also physically.
We fear many things, from painful past experiences to even people we encounter daily. Like the author, we must face all of these to grow and transform into an even greater person. However, many people choose to live in fear as if they’re unaware of the significance fear holds regarding personal growth. Here are realities about fear that we’ve learned from W. Veronica Lisare. Fear Works Like a Disease Like diseases in your body, fear cripples a person’s personal growth, eats away your logic, and keep you from being your best self. It gets deep inside of you, and you can’t shake it, kind of like a bad cold that won’t go away. And unfortunately, like that cold, fear can be passed from person to person, and even generation to generation. Therefore, it’s especially important to avoid ignoring fears that are hindering your progress in life. It has the potential to spiral out of control, limiting us in many ways. One way to deal with fear is to admit its existence—akin to how an individual would have to come to terms with a diagnosis—in order to even begin seeking treatment and change. Addressing this emotion is the only way to overcome it completely. Fear Disguises Itself Nobody likes to admit being afraid, but sometimes we just don’t recognize the disguises that fear wears in our lives. Some of its costumes are so well clothed in your own skin that you don’t recognize it as a foreign feature at all. If you haven’t noticed it yet, fear cloaks itself as the regular anxiety, anger, depression, and doubt in your life. However, it often masquerades as a cloak of protection, keeping you from doing things that may cause harm. It takes on masks of other emotions, thoughts, and physical problems so seamlessly that you don’t recognize it. Look back on situations and incidents, see them in a whole new light. Your reactions in the past are cause by fear. Since you can’t conquer what you can’t identify, try to pull the mask off some of fear’s most unusual and clever disguises. There will Always Be Fear As long as you live your life, you will experience new fears. When you try to grow, you have to take on new challenges which you have never faced before. With every step of the ladder of life, comes new challenges and another degree of fear. Simply accept that fear is a natural part of life. While this is true, you shouldn’t make a habit of just allowing it to keep a permanent residency in your life. Settling with the thought that unease will always exist is self-defeating. You see, everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear. Consider that for a moment: to get what you want, you need to get past your fear. And as Jimmy Chin quote, “Fear is always there; it’s a survival instinct. You just need to know how to manage it.” Fear is Not the Enemy Fear can be a bully but it is not the real enemy. It can be the voice of reason, caution, and practicality that serves you well at times. The real enemy is your failure to acknowledge that you can do something about it. Waiting to stop feeling afraid is also the real enemy. Spending too much time trying to analyze or neutralize fear will only keep you exactly where you are. Stuck and stalled with zero momentum! If you don’t want to spend the rest of your life “waiting to start,” take charge today. To conclude, it’s essential to understand the role your fears play in your life, and how they affect you. Once you’ve gain understanding, you can now grasp how these same fears may be hindering you from your ultimate potential. It’s time to stop overlooking this strong emotion in your life that is crippling you from achieving what’s best for you.